
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

~ ~ award and tag from iesma ~ ~

1• Write five (5) interesting facts about the person who gave you this award.
1. ibu kpd seorg putra gebu...zafran..
2.tgah berusaha nak menguruskan bdan...
3.ska amik pic sendiri..he3..(sama je cam ummi)
4.memiliki blog menjual pakaian...
5.kuat jalan..(pun cam ummi gak)
2• List down ten (10) interesting facts about yourself or your hobbies
1. married with 1 lil price (WAN AIMAN RAYYAN)
2. love to baked
3. love to take a pic...
4. love to window shopping and go to any where asalkan x duk umah...he3..
4. ummi yg garang...he3..
5. friendly
6. love to eat..ha3..
7. love to read other blogger story..
8. cecita nak bka kedai modal xckup..he3..
9. takut giler ngan belon..hu3..oppsss..bocor rahsia
10. banyak ckp!!
3• Pick your ten (10) most deserving receipients and describe them.
1. kak mala .. mama naufal and pu3...she is one of my housemate mase blajar dlu..
sbb dia je yg x pernah wat this tag..ha3...
4• Leave a comment on the receipients’ blog to tell them they’ve been tagged....
klau ngan minah ni..ummi ym je...he3..
5• Paste the award badge in your sidebar...
jap g r ek..nak tdo kan MR.RYAN jap..lg td dok ngamuk sbb nak tdo...nak kna bg senjata rahsia baru dia leh lena..hu3..